
Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai (box art + image)

yay...my most awaited gunpla for this month...
n moar image....

can't wait for this one...it'll be released on 24'th of this month for 5,250 yen...

2 komentar:

  1. Wogh, a MG of Astray Red Frame... tough it wasn't on my list somehow I like it...

    And its own Buster Sword which pretty similar to Astray Blue Frame's Buster Sword? Oh man... it's so cool >,<

    And of course... ¥5,250 still made me in total despair...

  2. well...maybe it's not just 'pretty similar', i think bandai will use runners/parts from blue frame [with different color of course]...
    n with that price i don't think i can buy another gunpla for 2-3 months....
