Saat iseng - iseng browsing di sebuah forum ga sengaja liat berita yang katanya emang 'agak' santer ini [saia tulis 'agak' krn kayaknya ga santer_bgt atau mungkin jg saia yg ketinggalan berita].
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Type: TV
Episodes: 13
Producers: Gainax
Duration: 23 min. per episode
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Heaven sends two fallen angels to Earth and tells them to collect Heaven Coins if they want to avoid falling all the way to Hell. These Heaven Coins can be obtained by defeating peculiar ghosts.
The angels, called Panty and Stocking, find and fight these ghosts based on hints relayed to them by their black, righteous afro-wielding reverend handler, Garterbelt, and they are aided by their trusty Humvee, See Through.The ghosts are tricky but the two angels have very unusual weapons at their disposal: Panty's panties turn into a gun and Stocking's stockings turn into swords. Witness Panty and Stocking Fly Away Now!
Summer 2010 Anime Recap
Summer has come and passed...
Akhirnya summer 2010 selesai juga, walaupun ga banyak anime yang saia ikuti season kemarin, tapi summer kali ini bisa dibilang cukup menarik. N enough with the chit - chat, inilah rekap dan kesan dari beberapa anime yang saia ikuti season kemarin...
Akhirnya summer 2010 selesai juga, walaupun ga banyak anime yang saia ikuti season kemarin, tapi summer kali ini bisa dibilang cukup menarik. N enough with the chit - chat, inilah rekap dan kesan dari beberapa anime yang saia ikuti season kemarin...
Judulnya lebay ya?
Tapi memang seperti itu perasaan saia kepada handheld console yg satu ini. Padahal dulu saia tidak begitu tertarik sama PSP, paling cuma 'keren jg...bsk beli ah kl ad rejeki...'. Tapi sekarang, giliran udah bener2 pengen punya harganya malah menggila segila-gilanya. Yang terakhir saia tau, harganya udah menembus 3 jutaan. Katanya sih gara2 yg hack-able/yg pake firmware lama udah ga ada lagi n bener2 langka. Sebenernya bisa sih beli yg second dg harga yg lebih terjangkau, tp yg jual second sekarang jg udah ketularan gila, udah mulai jual di harga 2jt ke atas padahal mungkin mereka beli di harga yg lebih murah.
Bored...bored...bored....just bored of everything....
don't know what to do...
n thanks to sloth now i'm lazy...very lazy....
don't know what to do...
n thanks to sloth now i'm lazy...very lazy....
MG Wishlist Survey
Untuk memperingati Gundam Plastic Model yang sudah berumur 30 tahun, Bandai melalui situsnya mengadakan sebuah survey kepada khalayak ramai, untuk memilih dari 30 Gundam yang tersedia di list [bisa juga menulis Gundam lain yang disukai namun tidak ada dalam list]. Dan rencananya, dari 30 Gundam yang berasal dari serial Gundam Zeta, Gundam W, Gundam 00, dan lain - lain yang mendapat suara terbanyak akan dipertimbangkan untuk dibuat versi MG-nya di kemudian hari.
Kihei Senki Legacies
Pada Tokyo International Anime Fair, tepatnya pada hari Jumat kemarin, Anime Innovation Tokyo (AIT) production mengumumkan bahwa mereka saat ini sedang memproduksi sebuah anime series terbaru yang berjudul Kihei Senki Legacies. Anime mecha sepanjang 52 episode ini ditangani oleh orang - orang yang sudah tidak perlu ditanyakan lagi kualitasnya. Shin Kobayashi (Bloody Monday, Kindaichi Case File) bertanggung jawab sebagai penulis cerita. Untuk masalah desain mecha, AIT mempercayakan anime ini pada Kunio Okawara (Mobile Suit Gundam, Armored Trooper Votoms, Yatterman), orang yang tidak asing lagi dalam dunia mecha, dan untuk urusan desain karakter anime ini ditangani oleh Daisuke Nakayama (Tweeny Witches).
Spring 2010 Anime
Spring is coming...n i think it'll be a nice spring...
I don't know if it's a fix chart, but maybe there will be no more major change in this chart...
Okay, now i want to make a quick preview or maybe a comment of the titles that picks up my interest [i'll not write the story coz u can just read it yourself from the chart]
I don't know if it's a fix chart, but maybe there will be no more major change in this chart...
Okay, now i want to make a quick preview or maybe a comment of the titles that picks up my interest [i'll not write the story coz u can just read it yourself from the chart]
Bukan, saia ga bahas masalah ramen, cuma sharing aja karena ga sengaja nemu satu warung ramen yang bisa dibilang enak di Jogja. Tepatnya di Jl. Wahid Hasyim kalo ga salah (kl dr nologaten, terus ke utara nyebrang selokann mataram nyampe hampir ring road). Namanya sendiri Hikari Ramen (ini jg kl ga slh), warungnya sih kecil n tampak ga meyakinkan, ga kyk warung2 ramen lain yg ada di Jogja, mungkin saia juga ga akan tahu kalau di tempat itu jual ramen kalau ga ada neon bertuliskan 'Ramen' di depannya. Tempat ini memang katanya bukan tempat baru juga, sudah lumayan lama tapi baru aja masang neon petunjuknya itu, n kyknya jg memang ga pernah iklan ato ikut buka stand di j-fest kyk warung lain.
New Gunpla n Others Bandai Hobby Release
MG Wing Gundam
- Barrel of the beam rifle can be removed
- Beam saber can be pushed out (when the cover on the shield is opened I believe)
- Beam rifle can be fixed to improved holding performance
- The joint of the arm can be held when the crank in the side armor is moved and the waist can be locked as well to improve the stability of the Bird Mode
- Has linked movement in the frame during transformation - the ankle will move by shrinking into storage mode, reducing the length of the leg
- A 1/100 scale figure of Heero Yuy is reproduced accurately (standing figure I think)
- Cockpit hatched can be opened, pilot figure of Heero Yuy in tank top is reproduced accurately
- 13 runners in total. Comes with foil sticker, clear sticker and Gundam decal.
April release, 4,200 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- Wings are equipped with variable mechanism
- Hand unit must be detached when transformation - Barrel of the beam rifle can be removed
- Beam saber can be pushed out (when the cover on the shield is opened I believe)
- Beam rifle can be fixed to improved holding performance
- The joint of the arm can be held when the crank in the side armor is moved and the waist can be locked as well to improve the stability of the Bird Mode
- Has linked movement in the frame during transformation - the ankle will move by shrinking into storage mode, reducing the length of the leg
- A 1/100 scale figure of Heero Yuy is reproduced accurately (standing figure I think)
- Cockpit hatched can be opened, pilot figure of Heero Yuy in tank top is reproduced accurately
- 13 runners in total. Comes with foil sticker, clear sticker and Gundam decal.
April release, 4,200 Yen (inclusive of tax).
The Day of Sagittarius III
Mungkin, bagi para fans Suzumiya Haruhim judul di atas terdengar tidak asing lagi. The Day of Sagittarius III adalah nama game yang dimainkan oleh SOS Brigade vs klub komputer di episode 13 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (firts run), episode itupun juga berjudul The Day of Sagitarius.
Dan sekarang, Kadokawa Shoten, yang menerbitkan light novel-nya, merilis game ini untuk iPhone, dan sudah mulai ditawarkan di Apple App's Store.
The Holy Grails of Console Gaming
Cuma sekedar iseng browsing, tp akhirnya nemu kyk gini...
Holy Grails of Console Gaming, adalah list dari game2 console yang dianggap langka dan bernilai tinggi oleh para kolektor. Bahkan harganya pun ada yang diperkirakan mencapai lebih dari $10.000. Well, here's the list of The 20 Holy Grails of Console Gaming....[start from number 20]
Blogging Again
Yep...finally i decided to continue doing this... you can see, i've posted a preview/news about Beck Live Action n i wrote it in Bahasa Indonesia, so maybe i'll write more in Bahasa, but sometimes i'll use English...
there's no particular reason behind this, it's just i feel like using Bahasa...for now...
yah...mgkn karena saia org Indonesia n mencoba utk lbh mencintai Indonesia n melestarikan budaya Indonesia termasuk bahasa it sendiri...salam Indonesia!!!^^
Beck Live Action Movie
Gone For A While....
new season of anime...
but i don't know why i feel so lazy to make anew post, even there a lot of topics i want to share...
but i hope this sloth is just with mefor a while so i can make a new post...
maybe it's because i don't get a job yet, still busy with job searching and stuff (actually i just sit in front of my computer, playing games or doing nothing...)
yeah...i hope i get a job soon so i won't be a NEET and get the passion to write a new post in this good for nothing blog....
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